Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Does Dickens create a rrealistic figure in the character of Scrooge? :: English Literature

Does Dickens create a rrealistic figure in the character of Scrooge?A Christmas CarolWhen people select or watch a jot story, they have certainexpectations of it. People would usually expect the story to be scary,have an eerie feel, and have appropriate, creepy settings such(prenominal) as agraveyard or derelict house. Most ghost stories use darkness to createthe right atmosphere. There is usually a large range of characters suchas a hero/heroin, a damsel in distress or someone in danger, a victim,horrible and creepy characters that maybe outcasts and most obviouslya ghost. People expect the story to have a scary opening, that drawsthem in into the story making them want to read on, but that doesntgive anything away. The opening often gives some backgroundinformation on the characters. There is quite often a murder or slice to be investigated. Most ghost stories have a closedending where the brain-teaser is solved or the ghost is disposed of. Fear,suspense and foreshadowing be important features in the plot of aghost story. All of these factors usually crop up in a typical ghoststory.Older ghost stories tend to be text based where as newer ones can befound in other media, such as films. Many films and television serialof ghost stories have been produced. The more recent ones tend todrift away from the criteria of a typical ghost story by combiningwith other genres where as the older stories seem to follow theexpected features of a ghost story much more closely. The more modernghost story films have flux with the iniquity genre because it adds tothe atmosphere of the story and makes it scarier.Ghost story films and TV programmers usually drift away from thetypical ghost story line because they dont trounce just to the ghoststory genre they tend to mix in other genre such as romance, murdermystery and especially horror This is because the aspect of horror inthe ghost story creates a scarier atmosphere that keeps the spectatorinterested. Films and TV mi x other genres such as romance and mysteryto keep the viewer interested and to make the storyline different,unique, so its not similar to other films and programmers. It alsoenables the ghost story to have a doohickey in the storyline making itmuch less predictable there for drawing the viewer into the story andmaking them want to keep watching. Some examples of these be Whatlies beneath and The Sixth Sense. Both these ghost stories have amajor twist in the plot very near the end and both keep the viewer in

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