Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Tragedy of Child Abuse Essay -- Violence Against Children

Each day in the United States more than three children die as a result of child abuse (Giardino, 2010). This statistic is too high and there need to be changes to overcome this problem. As a parent you are expected to take of your children and treat them the right way. This is not always the case and children end up being abused in the home were they are supposed to feel safe. Changes need to be made to medical awareness to help keep children safe. Imagine being a child abused constantly by an adult who should be taking care of them. Instead you’re neglected, beaten, slapped, burned, or even molested. Since the advocates are the main ones performing the disservices somebody else must speak up, speak out for them. That’s where healthcare providers come in. These same children are brought to the doctor for various illnesses and checkups. Since those persons in the medical field are trained to recognize potential signs and symptoms abuse this may be the only chance of rescue for these children. There are several types of listed abuse: neglect, emotional abuse, parental substance abuse, abandonment, and exceptions. Child abuse or neglect means the physical injury or neglect, mental injury, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or maltreatment of a child under age 18 by a person under circumstances that indicate that the child’s health or welfare is harmed or threatened. (Giardino, 2010) â€Å"Maltreatment means an act or omission that results in circumstances in which there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child may be a child in need of aid, as described in except that for purposes of this chapter, the act or omission need not have been committe... ...Healthcare workers’ but in actuality its everyone’s job because it does take a village to raise a child. References Chancy, S. (2009); The truth about the sexual abuse of children and its aftermath. The trauma myth. New York, NY: Perseus Books Group. Chandler, M. (2010 Jul. 24). Laws on sex abuse in schools. (Retrieved from http//www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2010/07/24/AR201007240024 2_pf.htm) Evans, M. (2010 Sept.16). The painful tradition of foot binding in China. Retrieved from http://www.pattayadailynews.com//en/2010/09/16/the-painful-tradition-of-foot- binding-in-China/ Giardino, A., & Giardino, E. (2010 Jan.27).Child abuse and neglect. Retrieved from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/915664-print Simmons, M. T. (2011, February). [Interview with Dr. Michael Collins, Pediatrician, Pediatrics of Florence].

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