Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Roe v wade Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
hard roe v wade - Research Paper causeConversely, proposition for miscarriage is most intense in New England. One case in the US attributed to greatly influence abortion was the Roe v. Wade 1973. In this case, the US Supreme tribunal overruled the trimester fashion model argument and promoted abortion as a positive right.In Roe v. Wade (1973)2 case, the Supreme judgeships decision disallowed numerous states and federal restrictions on abortion and declared it as a implicit in(p) right. The court ruled that abortion should not be allowed in all states where the fetus had the potential to live on outside the mothers uterus. Consequently, the Supreme Court required that no state denies abortion for women in their first trimester, while abortion was simply allowed on grounds of medical conditions during the second and third trimester3. Additionally, only the grounds of protecting the life of the fetus were acceptable for abortion in the third trimester. Upon the Supreme Courts de cision at Roes time, numerous states passed severe restrictions on any abortion practices as pro-lifers increasingly contended that life began at conception, thus making abortion unethical murder of pronounce humans. Additionally, other states passed laws that imposed hurdles on all women seeking abortion in defiance with the Roe decision. Defiance of Roe also saw the enactment of the federal Unborn Victims of Violence Act4 by the US government to protect the unborn fetus from being killed and assaulted. According to the US federal constitution, the protection of the unborn resulted in punishment for those intentionally attempting or committing murder of the unborn. A child is also declared as a full member of the Homo sapiens species for being a child in the uterus. done the promotion of abortion, human life is deemed to be disposable on the basis of the mothers fundamental rights. Kovnvitz5 reveals that rationally, human life has nothing known as
Destination Report & Presentation Research Paper
Destination Report & Presentation - inquiry Paper ExampleLeading on from here, the number of tourist sites and run that a person whitethorn have at disposal upon visiting a single country is so lots. In both(prenominal) cases, the planning of tourism trips has become a problem for travelers when it comes to destination and services selection. It is from this point that the need for the practice session of information and community technology in making the situation easier becomes necessary. This paper therefore looks at the invention of a location based information delivery system that makes it possible for tourists to access information from heterogeneous tourism locations and also exchange information to much(prenominal)(prenominal) locations to make the reception of tourism services easier. The police detective opines that this location based information delivery in tourism will serve a two-tier advise of benefiting both the tourist as a service drug user and the tourism operators as service providers. much specifically, the destination to be used in this location based information delivery is Ottawa in Canada, which is one of Canadas four largest tourism metropolitan areas (OGrady and OHare, 2002). ... In the first place, there is an component of client device that is built to host a web browser. A typical example of such a client device could be a mobile phone, a tablet computer or a laptop (Berger et al, 2007). There is also an element of customized web application server that makes it possible for users to stupefy and input web contents that meet the context of users. The essence of this element of the system architecture is to go out that tourists visiting Ottawa have the freedom and will to make choices of selection based on user pre-defined preferences and options (Kjeldskov and Paay, 2005). What is more, it is expected that the system architecture for the location based information delivery system would encompass the figurehead of a un iversal description, discovery and integration (UDDI) service directory that focuses on the provision of tourist information services such as hotel accommodation finder services. Such UDDI services would ensure that the search for locations is sieved and made much easier. More to the above, the presence of a context manager is also very important for the system architecture. This is because with such context manager, information that is input into the system can easier be stored for future retrieval and usage. Such data will be treated by the system as user dynamic context so that for all future searches these options will show up as user preferences, making it easier for future choices to be made. It is expected that some of the user dynamic contexts that will be considered by the system would include except not limited to location, wireless device features, identities, password, and data usage (Schernthanner and
Monday, April 29, 2019
Project Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Project Plan - Assignment ExampleThe company is getting really acceptable moving in in the information management domain niche and the growth for the next three halves is intercommunicate to be 60%. The Human resources argon in like manner projected to increment by more than degree centigrade% to cover up this cost. In order to reside the increasing number of employees, the organization leave alone be occupying two more floors in the same building. Therefore, to catch up this growth and increasing business, the organization involve to modify its current strategy that pertains to two main drivers of its business the operations strategy across the business and the human resource consider of the business.The scope of this project plan covers how this business volitioning react to increase demands of the business. It is obvious that we need to upgrade our existing bodys that are used for extracting data from silos and legacy systems. Moreover, the Web Analytics system hardwar e needs to be optimized since its not able to handle the increasing volumes of data. There is also a need to escort the security of net contrives and storage media. A consideration should also be prone to fine tuning the software as service and cloud establish computing methodology that are to be adopted in near future for the increasing requirement of the business.For implementing this scope of changes, certain controls need to be enacted while changes to some are to be made. In all, following are the controls that need capital punishment in the current organization setup (these controls cover the overall steps that the organization needs to transfer and doesnt focus solely on one specific department) Human resources forget go through with(predicate) a new compensation information system program that depart strictly monitor their work and compensation Finance department will now enact formal accounting procedures and payroll systems brand activities and budgets will now be officially audited through the main finance system Project Managers would brace to submit their project progress on weekly basis to the executive management and other team up members would be putting their daily timesheets or work report to their designated line manager Clients will be billed 50% in advance because there have been incidents of credit locks in the recent past. This will be done as soon as the project is signed Several authentication controls will be added to the existing list. New controls like biometrics, cryptographs and smart cards will be given to employees based on their roles and privileges (Cavoukian & Stoianov, 2007). Networks needs to be segregated based on clients, personal users and corporate users. Middleware for legacy systems will be separated from the main system. Honeycomb networks will also be implemented which will not only act as sacrificial network but will also provide an core on insider or proposed outsider sniffing activity Work-areas will b e separated. The first floor will be designated for main IT and support for operations. Floor two will have operations and third floor would be separated for client engagements and executives residence. The reception will decide where to send each guests and will issue them smart cards based on access levels and privileges Systems for testing and development will be an exact replica of live system to ensure timely back-ups and disaster recovery activities Source curtail will be in place for each project, regardless of its size or client. Incremental backups will be the closing process of the day. Full backups are time consuming and expensive Goals and Objectives of the Plan next are the goals and objectives of this plan To ensure that project deadlines are met in a timely fashion To ensure that changes in the
Consumer Frugality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Consumer frugality - Essay ExampleAccording to a survey study conducted by Booz & Company on 2,000 consumers in the U.S., there is an emergence of frugal consumers. This is mainly because of the recent recession that has shaped their consumption behavior. It is expected that such consumption behavior will persist in the future even as there argon reports that the U.S. is recovering from the recession (Zavestoski, 2002). Therefore, marketers have identified a market segment consisting of frugal consumers and ar reservation efforts to curl such customers. The frugal consumer has unique characteristics including a strong consciousness on a range which determines the level of trade -off in price and convenience. Research studies on consumption patterns among U.S. consumers indicate that almost 67 percent of customers are purchasing low priced products in order to reduce spending while alter on saving (Craig-Lees & Hill, 2002). This is evident from the decrease in the Per capita co nsumption expenditure across almost tout ensemble demographic groups. Additionally, customers have maintained a weak sentiment which has influenced their low expenditure on consumption. The scratch market segment of frugal consumers roll in the hay be described using a number of demographic factors that define their unique features. The demographic factors include household income and age.First, the target market segment consisting of frugal consumers is do up of middle-income households. They have an annual income between $20,000 and $50,000 and are in truth mindful when it comes to spending their income. They are actually selective and often plan in advance before going for shopping at send away stores rather than elevated-end stores. Second, the target market consists of individuals aged between 35 and 40 years. This is the age gap at bottom which people have families, are in employment, and are working hard to save for their retirement. They are very keen with their spen ding habits and they always ensure that they are buying goods at low prices so that they can save a significant part of their income (Zavestoski, 2002). Third, the target market consists of home owners who have a high demand for household products to use in their homes. However, they are also very frugal and have a habit of shopping from discount stores. The multiple demographics of frugal consumers make it very difficult to market products. discount rate retail shops including target, Costco, and Sams Club have developed a number of selling mixes in attracting frugal consumers. permit us recall that frugal consumers buy less and price conscious. Therefore it is evident that any marketing mix targeting frugal consumers should heavily rely on price. However, the other 3 Ps are equally important because they complement price. It is an obvious fact that consumers are becoming very frugal these old age and that businesses need to differentiate their products in order to remain compet itive (Craig-Lees & Hill, 2002). The frugal consumer is looking for products that will birth the best value for their dollar. This implies that businesses need to provide the best value to its client in order to attract a significant number of frugal consumers. The most common marketing mix among companies targeting frugal customers is that there is always a price discount. This is mainly because such consumers are very sensitive to changes in prices. A significant decrease in
Sunday, April 28, 2019
CRS-y Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
CRS-y - assigning Example58)Managers in every success-oriented organization are faced with three key purposes to make First, the decision on the companys honour proposition. Second, the decision on companys value-driven operational model, and thirdly, the decision on the companys value battlefields. The companys value proposition entails the implicit annunciate to the customers outlining all values combination (Iacobucci 2011, p. 89). The companys value-driven operational model involves integrating of operation processes with the systems of precaution and culture, required to deliver effective value proposition (Cooper 1999, p. 56). The companys value disciplines entail the integration of operational models and value proposition to achieve leadership in the market through competitive advantage. The Treacy and Wiersema value disciplines become impacted greatly on CRM as reviewed in the following discussion of the value disciplines. The first-class honours degree value disci pline is operational duty which involves provision of reliable products to the customers and pricing services competitively, with less or no difficulties and inconveniences to the customers. A good example of a company that has coverd this discipline is Dell (Egan 2008, p. 83). Operational excellence stresses on a specified strategic approach on production and delivery of products and services. The companies following this discipline get through for leadership in the industry through price and convenience. The companies seek ways on bash minimization, elimination of unnecessary production cost and business processes optimization across all organization frontiers (Mukerjee 2011, p. 167). The companies in pursuance of Operational Excellence concentrate on direct sale to customers, sale based on order rather than inventory and low-cost. Dell, General Electricals, Wal-Mart, America Airlines and Federal Express are some of the companies that have had a significant adoption of the ope rational excellence. This has helped them to be leaders in their industries by undercutting their competitors through the discipline. The companies witnessed an ontogeny in their customer base and their sales (Kincaid 2003, p. 48). However, Operational excellence possess key challenges in maintaining a consistency customer devotion. This is because the discipline does not focus on product innovation and a lasting customer relationship. Instead it concentrates largely on price and convenience in products and services. This results to high switching in buyers as they seek more innovative products, hence leading to a low customer loyalty (Kincaid 2003, p. 43). The other discipline indicated by Treacy and Wiersema is product leadership. This discipline entails product excellence through differentiation. The companies that choose to embrace the discipline shift their focus on making the product different from those of the competitors (Rafinejad 2007, p. 58). Customers may be required to pay a price premium on the products which are differentiated from the competitors products. Companies on this discipline strive for the state-of-art products characterized by high creativity. Product leadership requires increased product innovation, commercialization of ideas, and pursuance of new solutions and chance taking management structure (Rafinejad 2007,
Sustainable Development and its overall impact Assignment - 1
Sustainable Development and its overall impact - Assignment Exampleis an evident fact that the industrial development in nonp areil country of a region can create environmental issues in the region and thus the other countries of the region are equally affected by these activities (Muschett, 1997). Therefore one of the most of the essence(p) principles of sustainable development is formulation of international laws to protect the environmental impact beyond borders. The members of the international community should cooperate with each other to ensure better economic growth, which ultimately leads to the action of various goals of sustainable development however this cooperation should not be limited to economic growth and nations must(prenominal) extend support to each other for ensuring global peace and security as it is also an important aspect of sustainable development (Guruswamy and McNeely, 1998).Another important principle of achieving sustainable development is creating a wareness among the crowd around the advantages associated with it. A large majority of people in the world is not aware about sustainable development under these circumstances the efficient use of resources in the world is not possible. Measures should be adopted to clear the doubts in the minds of people about the advantages of sustainable development. The large initial cost which take place callable to the incorporation of sustainable development practices in various industrial and construction projects stop investors from adopting them because they are unaware of the long term financial incentives thus creating awareness is of prime importance to ensure sustainable development.Social capital i.e. the role of people in sustainable development is not given the due importance in the principles mentioned in the document. People should learn to accept responsibility to preserve the resources and climate of the orbiter for future generations. Accepting responsibility is an importa nt principle as, along with creation of awareness, it is the most basic bar towards achieving the goals
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Firm's Operating Cycle vs Cash Conversion Cycle Essay
Firms Operating vibration vs Cash Conversion Cycle - Essay Exampleduration of the calendar method by adding together each of these elements. An greater run cycle implies that the problem go away need more working capital and with high working capital will lead to high inventory-carrying cost, this is inclusive of interest payments, thus the firm has greater opportunity cost because it is incapable(p) to invest its funds in high fund investments projects. It is thus advisable to have low operating cycles because there will be more completed cycles in a year, this will lead the business to make greater gross and net profits annually.This is the time (number of days) interval between the time a firm purchases an inventory until the inventory is sold and cash is received from the buyer (accounts recoverable). In other voice communication it is the total time taken by a firm or a business to behind-the-scenes purchases into cash from consumers of the product.Cash conversion proces s gives imminent into the financial stability of a company, this is because it gives time goal during which assets are committed to business processes and wherefore are not available to invest to achieve even off greater returns.The little the time period to collect cash from sales made in quote the better for the firm, this is because for a shorter cycle gives the business quick asses to cash, the cash can be used by the business to purchase additional stock or may be used to pay debt to suppliers of the firm. It is therefore of great significance for a firm to have systems that facilitates shorter conversation cycles. This is achieved by speeding the customers to pay up their debts while the firm slows down payments to its suppliers. Cash conversation cycle can also be negatively used by large organization that have a huge market command take whereby they change the payment days to supplies anyhow.The model that a firms management adopts is very essential for achievement of t he firms final profits. When an organization allows short interval of its operating cycle it heart
The Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
The - Essay mannikinHowever, with the regime change successfully happening in Egypt, it is acting as a catalyst for nonetheless more pro-democracy and anti-monarchy movements throughout the Middle-East. Bahrain is one of those countries, which has been witnessing anti-monarchy movement or ascent. When the protests in Egypt gained momentum, support for them came wide across the Middle-East. In Bahrain to a fault, a group of individuals gathered in front of the Egyptian embassy to support the Egyptian protestors. In addition, they also cute more governmental freedom, equal representation to all masses and actualization of democratic practices. political freedom in the sense, with the Bahraini King nominating the Prime Minister and sizable numbers of parliament representatives, demonstrators wanted more elected representatives. Importantly, they wanted equal rights and facilities for all the people, particularly for the majority Shias, as minority Sunni character of the populatio n is playing a dominant single-valued function and garnering all the powers and benefits. So, this paper will discuss how the uprising in Bahrain started or happened due to true social factors, as well as geographical, historical and political factors, and how it effected and is still impacting the Middle Eastern region. Geographical and Historical factors Bahrain is an archipelago in the Persian Gulf, with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Iran border it. It consists of 33 islands and the largest is the Bahrain Island, which constitutes the majority of the Bahrains population. The capital Manama is situated in the northern tip of the island and is the empennage of political power, and thus the hotspot of the uprising. Bahrain got evolved geographically as well as historically due to certain events that happened in the 19th and 20th century and those events can also be viewed as an indirect alter factor to the online uprising. Bahrain existed as a fragmented geographical territory in th e 19th century, with divers(a) kingdoms. Britain at that time was at the height of its imperialistic tendencies, and it tried to wrest some of the territories. Being a Shia Muslims majority country, Bahrain sought the aid of Iran to counter British imperialism. Although, Iran shielded Bahrain initially, it could not protect it continuously and so British took over Bahrain. Britain brought Bahrain under its protectorate in the Persian Gulf, playing a dominant role in every aspect of Bahrains functioning, from appointing its rulers to changing its demographics. Changing of demographics in the sense, British brought in people from Iran, Huwala, as well as India into Bahrain for commercial purposes. Mixed with the indigenous population ( in Manama) are numerous strangers and settlers, some of whom have been established here for many generations back, attracted from other lands by the profits of either commerce or the pearl fishery (Gardner 2010, p. 36). Although, these people brought i n with them various business skills, and developed Bahrain from a tribal society to a modern one, it started changing the demographics, as there was heightened concentration of people from outside of Bahrain. The comparable charge of bringing people from other countries and how is affecting the local population is being levelled by the protestors of the current upris
Friday, April 26, 2019
Discuss Karl Marxs critique of capitalism Assignment
Discuss Karl Marxs critique of capitalism - Assignment fontSimilarly, Thomas Hobbess renowned publication, the Leviathan claims that a valid government is that which unifies the collective will of the majority and unites them nether the authority of sovereign power. Though any the three theories have some similarities, their areas of specialization are different. For instance, they all assert that there should be absolute governments though the theories highlight different specializations in regard to the declared governments.The concept of alienation and class inequality focuses more on the relationship between labor and world expression under capitalism. Under this concept, the workers are alienated from their labor since it no longer belongs to the workers but sooner to the capitalistics. The workers do as at the demands of capitalist rather than to satisfy their own needs. As faraway as class inequality is concerned, Marx argues there would be more and more members of society becoming proletarians if communism is non going to be practiced (Gergen 23). He further argues that because capitalist are continually accumulating capital, few capitalist exploiting a large number of poor proletarians who are subsisting on low wages will in conclusion characterize society. This would in turn encourage two social classes the capitalist (rich) and the proletariat (poor).Communism elicit help solve the issue of class inequality and alienation the society faces today. Through communism, all goods and operate are shared and as such, every need is met. Communism helps to eradicated poverty since no gets rich (Marx 16-40).At a personal level, class inequality and alienation is something that I undergo on my daily life. For instance, because I come from a middle class as the society stratifies, I cannot freely go into a five star hotel and bond freely with other citizens since I am considered not of the status. As far as
Psychology Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Psychology Intelligence - establish ExampleHis theory suggests that mans discussion is made up of 7 core intelligence informations (Myers, 2004). It is only upon consideration of either of these intelligences that one can be judged as intelligent or not. Basically, intelligence covers a wide graze of human capabilities, skills, and talents. In Susans case, her intelligence test scores were only average even though she have exceptional talents in ballet dancing possibly due to the inability of the intelligence test utilise to measure creativity as part of an individuals intelligence.Furthermore, Susans case brings forth the issue of the reliability and validity of intelligence testing. Susans case demonstrates a scenario wherein an inappropriate test was used. Her low test scores may also inculpate that the intelligence test administered to her came up with a standardized score without giving consideration to her scores in each of the components of the test which is used to de termine specific facets of her intelligence. Most of the time, the validity of intelligence tests is questioned primarily because a particular type of test may not properly measure the specific area of an individuals intelligence that is being assessed. Furthermore, a single score is often inadequate in explaining the multidimensional aspects of intelligence. In cases such(prenominal) as these, the reliability and validity of the intelligence test is questioned.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
DIGITAL PROJECT perplexity - Essay ExampleThe paper in addition demonstrates an overview of the website that supports the cost of projects and schedules their restrain in a manner that is exceedingly integrated (Cadle & Yeates, 2008).The website will use the object oriented modeling in representing the deliverables of the project. There are collections of control objects that are designed in mapping the project cost control processes. There are 18 website indicators that represent the amount of resources used in every project control object and is used as sensors in highlighting the areas that are associated with their dismal doing. The website uses a server that is designed in implementing the methodology that is developed. The website also has a central database that is used in storing and organizing the project budget and their actual progress data. The website generates a daytime to day, week to week, monthly and yearly performance of projects that are used in generating th e project status at the level of resources used and the control object (Cleland, 2009).Managing time and cost for implementing a project within an world(prenominal) organization is a crucial management function for attaining successful delivery of projects dealing with procurement, construction, and even engineering. several(prenominal) international charity organizations have designed their website in relation to this. From the past website, it is evident that improvements need to be made on their implementation, development, and design of the project control system. Such areas include the configuration of the project that includes the performance breakdown structure, the generic and standardized, generic earned status reporting and the diagnosis and analysis of the project edition on the website. Additionally, the recommendation section should be incorporated for reasons behind dismal performance and ideas for corrective actions and prevision the duration and costs of the proje cts before completion. Consequently, it is important for efficient
Ethical problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethical problem - Essay ExampleThe action of the managers to fur some information to the shareholders is unethical. This is because, ethical behavior requires that any decision reached by the management should be a truthful one, and thus any action that is mean to get across the truth from the shareholders is unethical (Frederic, 17). This type of contest falls under the category of conflict referred to as normative ethics, in a subset referred to as nonrecreational ethics, which requires that the professional conduct of individuals within an certain professions should act in accordance with set standards of right and wrong, and the bending from such conduct eventually creates an ethical conflict (Weiss, 41). The classification of this ethical conflict under the Normative ethics category is informed by the fact that Normative ethics apply a realistic approach towards arriving at an ethical decision, which has to do with the duties that individuals should follow and the implica tion of behaviors of an individual on others (Frederic, 31). Explaining the conflict nominate happen in the corporation Normative ethics conflict can happen in organizations due(p) to conflicts of interests, where the interests of the professionals tend to compete with the obligations and responsibilities of the professional (Weiss, 72). The managers can hide information from the shareholders, so that they can favor their interests at the expense of the interests of the shareholders, considering that he interest of the shareholders and those of the management are always conflicting (Frederic, 22). Therefore, the managers can hide a potential investment venture to the stakeholders, which would have long-term benefits for the shareholders through enhancing organizational growth, and prefer to pursue short investments that will result to short term benefits for the shareholders, to avoid taking risks, while also trying to catch up with a name amongst their peers and other corporate commentators, who evaluates organizations on the basis of their short term revenues and performances (Weiss, 49). Further, the managers might hide the long-term benefits of an investment from the shareholders, and instead pursue short-term investments, so that they can increase the revenues in the short-term and benefit from salary increments and promotions, at the expense of pursuing investments that may have no revenue benefits in the present, but will yield more benefits and revenues for the shareholders in the future, such as investment in search & Development (Frederic, 44). The payoff of this conflict on the stakeholders This conflict has an adverse effect on the shareholders, since it works towards reservation the shareholders lose their future value of investment, while the managers are the ones who benefit from the conflict, through financial gains and promotions. A nonher effect of the conflict on the stakeholders is that it erodes the trust that the stakeholders had o n the managers, since the existence of such a conflict shows that the managers are not favoring the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Comprehensive Argument Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Comprehensive Argument analytic thinking - Coursework ExampleFinally she opposes the subject Council for Adoptions statistics for numbers of potential adoptive p bents by suggests they efficacy even be including Hilary Clinton amongst them. Exaggerated statements of this kind indicate a clear bias against the trustworthiness of the National Council for Adoption.The author suggests that encouraging people to choose adoption would involve coercion and bullying, using the 1950s as her example. besides she fails to give real and concrete examples of how this would happen today. She fails to explore the possibility that adoption rates could be improved by greater availability of culture and establishing it not as a shameful pickaxe but one which a woman could be happy to make. Her argument is therefore very vague.I do not find this source credible. The tone is too bombastic and the author sets herself up as too opposed to the government to give her arguments credibility. She also at tacks opposition statistics without providing any of her own to make a strong opposing case.The premises are that the statistics cited by the National Adoption Council (which argues that 1-2 million Americans want to adopt) are flawed. This is because the National Adoption Council includes in this figure anyone who even phones to enquiry about adoption. She concludes that the figure is bound to be much smaller using the premise that only 2,193 Chinese baby girls were adopted by Americans in 1995I believe the authors premise that not all people who phone for information can be considered as serious adoptive parents is sound and so the statistics for potential adoptive parents is over-stated. However because she does not provide a statistical source of her own she has no way of knowing whether the authentic figure would meet the demand or not. Her citation of Chinese girls adoptions to support her case is also puny and a non sequitur. A white couple may not want to
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 183
Essay workoutI was a bit upset for at that place was nothing interesting about them they were just special K people everyone can see in a caf in the morning. Despite this, I enjoyed being there because of the sun that shone just right through the window, the caf smelled of coffee and freshly baked muffins, and I felt irenic and contended with my life.At that very moment, a man came in and caught my attention immediately. He seemed to be very excited, in time nervous. He looked around as if he was looking for someone or something, sat down at a table and ordered tea. The man was dressed very neatly, and at first I public opinion that he came on a date it was too early for that though, and I put that thought to rest. Also, it was instead an early morning for a business meeting. Curiosity was eating me up as the man check out his watch almost every two minutes and looked out the window. He was definitely waiting for someone. or so fifteen minutes of waiting passed, and a boy bou nced into the caf. He was about thirteen or fourteen years old, not too tall, and he reminded me of someone I had already seen before. When he came up to the man, I understood who the boy reminded me of. It became obvious they were a father and a son. When the man saw the boy, he glowed with delight and finally calmed down. The boy was also very glad to see his father for he ran up and hugged him. It was much(prenominal) a nice and moving scene I think that the fact that they met at the caf suggests that they did not eff together perhaps, the boys parents were divorced, and his mother had a sole custody of her child. In any case, it was displace that they had not seen each other for a long time.As I looked around, I noticed that everybody who was at the caf at the moment also was watching the man and his son. Just like me, they also seemed to be go by the scene. At that very instance, I felt that the entire caf was filled with peace, happiness and even
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Help me make a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Help me scram a topic - Essay ExampleHowever, the term globalization gained prominence during the mid-1980s, and more so, after the 1990s.Scholars touch on that innovation plays an beta role in ensuring the development of globalization. They argue that innovations in telecommunications and information technology hand over led to the reduction of international and national transactions. Because of these reductions, opportunities in manufacturing have increased, especially so in outdoor(a) aras (Rivoli, 31). This is because it is easy to communicate with various players within the manufacturing industry, at whatever location they are. Effective communication is an important element of the manufacturing process.Another important factor that has led to globalization is the various changes in the governance expression of the various national countries. These countries have opened up their economies, leading to free flow of goods, resulting to commerce. There are four basic elements of globalization, namely transactions and trade, migration of people and their movements, capital movement and investments, and dissemination of knowledge (Caporaso and Mary, 33). Basing on this background, this paper analyzes the globalization of coffee in its early stages of globalization. That is the periods of 1960s and 1970s.Coffee was introduced in African, Asia and some move of America by the colonialists. During this period, colonial governments grew the product in their colonies for purposes of satisfying their domestic markets. For example, the British introduced coffee in the colonies of East Africa, and some countries of West Africa. They grew this product, and after harvesting, they took the coffee beans to Britain for processing and consumption. When they left, their colonies began to produce the substance for export, and as a means of earning foreign exchange (Peyser and Bill, 42).For instance in Kenya, the government that took over
Earthquake dangers and community preparedness Essay
Earthquake dangers and community preparedness - Essay archetypeAdapted from Geography seisms, by BBC, 2012, Retrieved 26 November 2012 from http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/geography/natural_hazards/earthquakes_rev1.shtml. Copyright 2012 by Author. Reprinted with permission. A shift in these plates results in vibrations in the crust of the earth, a phenomenon referred to as earthquake. Patel and Revi (2010) define earthquake as a jerky movement of the crust of the earth due to volcanic activity or release of stress put in along faults. The logarithmic Richter scale measures the magnitude of earthquakes. The greatest magnitude measured to date has been 9.5 for an earthquake that rocked Chile, causation tsunamis and killing about 1,655 people injuring 3,000 others (US Department of the Interior, 2012). Dangers of earthquake to humans and the environment Indeed, these shifts of the earths crust referred to as earthquakes impact on ecosystems and habitats. The United Nations Environmental Program (2004) gives an example of the 1976 Sichuan earthquake that led to the exit of the habitat for the giant bear panda. The tsunamis that result from earthquakes could kill fish and other sea life with sequential disturbance of their habitat. For example, the 1964 Alskan earthquake uplifted the floor of the sea by 33 feet leading to destruction of chalky marine organisms. Earthquakes destroy plant life. It is feared that in Northern California, a place of convergence of three architectonic plates, the occurrence of an earthquake would cause a massive loss of Redwood trees (Patel & Revi, 2010). As humans strain to construct temporary shelters, reconstruct and meet their energy needs, they could cause deforestation thus ecosystem depletion (BBC, 2012). Similarly, other risks such(prenominal) as quarrying for reconstruction could further negatively impact on the ecosystem. Wildlife also gets affected both directly or indirectly because of earthquakes. Some of th ese environmental effects of earthquakes affect human health. The waste giving medication and debris resulting from an earthquake could negatively impact the environment and human health. The affected would moderate to look for separate ship canal of disposing off such waste so as to rebuild their structures. The aftermath of the 2008 Sichuan China earthquake saw agricultural fields turned into dumps with building materials (BBC, 2012). Water sources also got contaminated with the dumps. Therefore, it would be critical to ape Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts which after the 194 earthquake disposed off the rubbles appropriately (Patel & Revi, 2010). This would be principal(prenominal) in seeking to lower contamination of the environment and disease to humans. Other than diseases, earthquakes could cause fires which burn mountain the assets of people, setting them back economically. In addition, the short term looting in the event of an earthquake would have similar devast ative effects. Landslides could bury families under rubbles, with some bodies not being retrieved even after the disaster. The cost of build also adds to peoples financial burdens. Preparedness towards earthquake dangers The Seattle Office of Management (2012) suggests various ways to prepare one for an earthquake as an individual. The organization proposes anchoring of appliances and tall furniture that could fall. Homes should have emergency supplies cognise to every family member. The members should also have the necessary numbers handy to be used in expression of separation
Monday, April 22, 2019
Cultural differences and Expectancy Violations Theory Essay
cultural differences and Expectancy Violations Theory - Essay ExampleHowever, Judee Burgoons Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT), with its emphasis on positive and invalidating valence, is perhaps the most appropriate theory available to explain and account for cultural differences as they assort to our understanding of communication.Burgoons EVT does not root itself in specific cultural transgressions and therefore does not limit itself in its effort to measure perceived positive and negative reactions to the unspoken message. Some emotions and traits bunghole be readily transferred univers whollyy across different cultures. Aggression, happiness, laughter and fear are generally recognized around the world. However, whatsoever actions and messages are interpreted differently by various cultures with unique social traditions. Eye contact, movement, and posture all have symbolic meaning unique to various cultures. Touching is a symbol that has wide-ranging and wide-ranging meanin g in different settings. By understanding the meaning of touching to a given culture, EVT can evaluate its impact and measure the positive or negative effect it may have. As with touching, separate actions also demand a thorough knowledge of the cultural significance of the action.
Ethics in Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics in Practice - Essay ExampleFox similarly provides suggestions for improvement. She strongly points out that although we should be thankful for the efforts of DeKeseredy and Kelly in look intoing into the important matter regarding the abuse of women, the approach of the researchers ar too presumptuous and that the real dynamics of violence and abuse are too complicated to be explained by the statistical evidence presented. The conclusions as well as the implied messages of the researchers are flawed, in that the data itself is non sufficient to reach such conclusions.Before I begin stating my thoughts regarding the authors response, let me first make it light-headed that I stand strongly against men abusing women and that I support efforts to research further into the matter. Abuse is precise damaging to the person experiencing it, whether it may come in the form of physical, emotional, or psychological damage. However, one essential be very critical in defining what is considered as an abuse, and what is not. I believe that in the research done, the line was obscure and inappropriate.It is with this that I would like to say that I am in agreement with the author, in that the research done by DeKeseredy and Kelly is flawed and biased. I personally think that, based on the readings slightly their research, DeKeseredy and Kelly probably lack the experience necessary for a deeper understanding of what is unfeignedly going on mingled with man and woman. I felt that their conclusions were nave, and that they looked only on the data without really understanding what is really going on. The dynamics of relationship is truly not that simple.But despite that, I salute the researchers for at least doing the research, because this is really a matter that everyone should be concerned about. Despite the fact that reading roughly of their conclusions regarding men and women and some of the things implied on their research made me frown quite a lot in disagr eement, I would agree at the
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